a lifestyle blog by emma kilgour

13 February 2018


Having a simple valentine's day is easy, it's simple... just be simple! valentine's day doesn't have to be extravagant. I
feel like for the majority of couples it's quite a stressful time, deciding what to get each other or what to do.
Simple! just think of the simplest things... what kind of things does your partner enjoy? it's obvious that it has to be
something you both enjoy doing, so think of a place you've both travelled to or your favourite restaurant or favourite
film? I know that "50 shades freed" is now in cinemas especially for valentine's day so how ever awkward that
might be, try it!

Spray 1) Simple gift

Spray 2) Simple restaurant 

Spray 3) Simple film, Simple snacks

Spray 1) Simple gift

A fragrance. You simply can not go wrong by getting your partner a fragrance they love and use every day or even
if they don't wear it regular as they're trying to save it for special occasions, give them the chance to not have to
only use it on a special occasion by treating them to a brand new one they can use everyday!

A photo frame & photo. How can anyone not appreciate a photo that includes your beautiful face? please tell me.

A bouquet of flowers for women AND men. This is an obvious gift. Valentine's day represents roses!!!!! hundreds of them.

A candle. If your partner is a girl you will know that she loves to smell of the first floor entrance to Selfridges - we
call it the beauty hall, also known as the headache hall... so why not make her room smell of it too! 
If your partner is a boy on the other hand... still get him a candle, it's great for men to have something that smells
good in their room as we all know the male species bedroom can sometimes stinkkkkkkk.

JO MALONE sell amazing unisex cologne AND candles! so you can kill two birds with one stone! here comes that
word again, Simple!

The fragrance I have featured is right here if you want to check it out. It's one of my all time favourites Mimosa and
Cardamom, it's sensational. You can even make it personal by engraving.

Spray 2) Simple restaurant

Here I have featured the Marriott Hotel just somewhere local to my boyfriend and I. If you're wanting a short outing
the answer is clear! grab a hot chocolate. Or if you're wishing for that very special 'lady and the tramp' moment grab
yourself a dish of pasta!

It's incredibly easy coming up with ideas on how to spend your valentine's day, just visit a cafe or restaurant close
by no need to outdo yourselves, you will have an amazing day regardless!

Spray 3) Simple film, Simple snacks

ORRR if you've been working your ar** off and fancy stuffing your face with chocolate while having a duvet day
then please do so! nobody has to go out on valentine's day. Not everybody likes to spend 3 hours of their lives
dressing up and caking their face in make up so if this is you then choose number 3 and stick a film on!

P.s Selfridges are selling some breathtaking handmade bouquets at the minute in the nick of time for valentine's day
and the prices are even more breathtaking. I mean normally you'd be looking at around £60 to £100+ for a proper
bouquet of flowers and these bouquets were bigger than me so varying from just £25 to £50 very impressive for the
price! go on.. head down to Selfridges!

What will you decide to do on valentine's day? comment below.

Thank you for reading my 2018 valentine post and I really hope you have an amazing yet extremely simple day!




  1. mmmhmmm all about the simple small things with me! a framed photo goes a lot further than an expensive bouquet of flowers, im just a sentimental old fart deep down haha!

    hope you had a lovely vals day, girl ♥

    katie. xx lacoconoire.com

    1. Thanks for the comment katie! and me too, it's the little things that count! I gave my boyfriend a framed photo and he loves it! hope you had a lovely day also! xxx


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