I'm trying something new on my blog from now on, for the last few years i've wanted to work within the magazine
industry wether it's printed or an online magazine. I'm a perfectionist so it does take me quite some time just to
publish the simplest blog post, it takes a lot to think of new content so i'm always on the prowl searching for new
ideas to add to herinnerwardrobe.com
I absolutely love magazines and how beautifully put together they're and i've found my own way of making
herinnerwardrobe.com into my own little online magazine by adding these stunning magazine like features to my
herinnerwardrobe.com into my own little online magazine by adding these stunning magazine like features to my
This post is about 'the floral print' as you can see by the title. I loved adding photos from the 'vogue collections' to
my college work when I studied Fashion & Design in 2015 so I thought I would carry this on into
herinnerwardrobe.com. I've based this post on Alexander McQueen's latest designs from the resort 2017 collection,
this collection isn't just floral based there are some lovely unique patterns and styles as well as the hand painted
carnations, yellow roses, peonies, and poppies. YES, that's right I said "hand painted" I couldn't believe it myself,
anyone would confound the paint with actual printed floral material, it's very impressive and not only that they were
painted onto leather. "The leather these english vernacular florals were painted on is incredibly fine and soft, hardly
leather-looking at all either." "We thought we'd treat leather in a different way, as if it were fabric," Burton noted,
THAT'S exactly why it's mislead to look like a material rather than leather.
I know that who ever is to buy these pieces wouldn't just wear them they would wear them with pride, the amount of
work that goes into them, they're not just worn they're appreciated. I always try to find similar pieces from the high
street but the pieces designers are bringing to the stage these days are just outstanding. I literally could not find one
inspired or similar piece, which is a shame because they would have been gorgeous for summer 2017.
If you want to take a closer look at the resort 2017 collection by Alexander McQueen i've added a link to the vogue
collections here.

This is a not a post, but an article! Absolutely fantastic perception!
I appreciate that, thank you so much.